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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm


"a convenience service company via vending machines and micro markets"

Who We Are

Enterprise 13 is a convenience services company that provides "better for you" and traditional snacks and beverages throughout the Chicagoland and surrounding areas.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help build healthier communities by providing healthy and great tasting snack and beverage options via vending machines or micro markets. Enterprise 13 aspires to educate adults and children on the life long benefits of adding healthy choices to their daily diet.

What We Offer

Enterprise 13 sells quality, healthy snacks and beverages via vending machines and micro markets. We offer gluten free, non-GMO, organic and preservative free products, from chips to candy to teas and sodas.  We also offer traditional snacks and beverages.

How We Differ

Enterprise 13 offers each client a custom menu & the flexibility to suggest changes that larger vending companies can't offer. We also provide superior customer service that other companies can't match. 


Please fill in the requested information below and we'll show you how EASY it is to add our vending machines or micro markets to your establishment.